Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance


The Group is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance and is guided by the principles of corporate governance in the various jurisdictions in which it operates and the code of practice as set out in the King Reports. Corporate governance is key in ensuring the creation and enhancement of shareholder value. Observance of good corporate governance is the responsibility of the Board of ZHL, which continuously reviews governance practices to ensure full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

The ZHL Board is supported by various committees in executing its responsibilities:

This committee’s functions include the monitoring of the financial reporting process, effectiveness of internal control, internal audit and risk management system, and the statutory audit process.

This group’s responsibilities include the formulation of investment policies and reviewing investment strategies to ensure optimum return on resources.

This committee is responsible for reviewing critical Group personnel issues and the identification and recommendation of potential directors to the Board.

The Company maintains dialogue with shareholders and stakeholders and makes presentations on results to investors, analysts and the media. It communicates with shareholders through Annual General Meetings and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings.

Worker participation and employer/employee relations are handled through Works Council, Workers Committee and Employee Engagement Committee.